Accessible Wicking Bed


Designed with the help of both disability advocates and community groups, this wicking bed is truly wheelchair accessible. With a height of 820mm it allows wheelchair users to garden in comfort with no twisting, bending or reaching. Also suits walkers or even a chair.

Designed and manufactured in the Adelaide Hills from sustainably sourced, plantation pine (eco-treated).

External dimensions – 1370 x 910 x 860mm (length x width x height).

The V design of the bed allows wheelchair users to get under the sides so the soil is right in front of them ensuring a comfortable gardening experience. Also suits walkers or even simply a chair. We’ve taken extra care to smooth all the accessible timber surfaces. The overflow pipe is at one end of the bed, so no water leaks on to your lap whilst you’re gardening. The bed is fully lined using a a 0.5mm thick pond liner (certified as drinking water safe AS/NZS 4020:2018) with 3 WaterUps® wicking cells giving a water reservoir of ~55L.

The bed is supplied fully lined.

Extras required
You need 8L of perlite in the legs of the wicking cells.
6 x 30L bags of soil. We use and recommend BioGro Premium Wicking mix.

Installation available, contact us for a quote.